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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Here are some pictures of our barn chores...

Here is my nephew "Guarding" the feed... (he is so cute in that pink jacket!)

Nosy, one of our milk cows. She is a Jersey/Holstein cross.
Here is January. One of our Jersey heifers. She is bred and we plan on using her as a milk cow.
 Feeding the bovines! Alfalfa and some trash hay mix.
 My nephew is having some trouble... I am so much help because I am laughing and holding the camera.
He is now showing me some hay, he asked me if I eat this stuff.

My pretty little sister. (a.k.a my partner in crime)
My sweet sweet wonderful milk goat, known by the beautiful name of:
Elephante... (she is not sweet! she is a elephant!)

Another one of our milk cows, Hershey. She is a black Jersey. She is supposed to be bred but it kinda remains unknown right now... Isn't she pretty?

Stormy.... This is Nosy's calf. She is really pretty and likes to frolic around alot.

December, one of our Jersey heifers. She too, is bred.

My partner's in crime... I mean my crew.

Feeding the sheep... and bovines some trash hay.

Last but not least, here is the author:
This is me. Marie... I am usually the trouble maker... he he!

Thanks for reading!

Elegantly signed,

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