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Sunday, March 24, 2013


Dear Daughter,
You look into the mirror…
You don’t know that you are beautiful…
Your eyes so brown…
Your hair so rich and shiny.
Your skin glows…
Your lashes shade your eyes so perfectly…
Your freckles pepper your nose lightly…
You are slim… lean…
You close your eyes and cry…
You call yourself fat…
Short… ugly… dark…
You don’t know you are beautiful…
You stand tall; your eyes are alert…
How can you not see you are beautiful?
Your smile is your best feature…
Your dimples compliment your smile…
You turn heads…
People try to get a second glance…
Your eyes shine…
When you talk, your voice carries into the wind…
You don’t see that you are beautiful….
You walk with a purpose…
You take long strides…
Graceful like a deer…
Strong like a mustang…
You hold your head up…
You smile at the poor and depressed…
It warms their heart…
Your laughter is sweet… like music…
People see your beauty…
How can you cry and call yourself horrid?
How can you not see that you are beautiful?
People say how beautiful you are…
You smile and say “Thanks”
Then turn and ask yourself… “I wish… why can’t I be beautiful?”
If you saw yourself through another’s eyes…
Maybe you’d see…
You don’t know you are beautiful…
You make hearts beat faster…
You make the world go dizzy…
Can you not see that?
I made you beautiful…
I created you this way…
My daughter, why do you sob so?
You are beautiful…
Steps lightly… dance on your toes…
See that you are beautiful…
Twirl around and let your hair show its beauty…
As it flows and settles around your shoulders…
You are beautiful… my daughter… my daughter…
You are… beautiful.
~~~Love, Your Father: God~~~

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Little Girl...

Her eyes are shaded with pain…
She hopes that someday her fears will be slain.

A crash, a slap, a kick, a shove…
Is there really a God up above?

She holds back tears…
Death is what she fears.

She wants to cry out…
To scream, cry, or shout.

Her parents think of nothing but hate…
She is curious as to know what will be her fate.

Nobody believes her when she speaks…
They look at her as if she is a freak.

She wants a hug, a kiss, or even a smile…
She wants to be away from this trial.

Her small body winces…
Her mother twists her skin in pinches.

Her mother yells, “You ruined my life!”
Her father shouts, “You caused all of this strife!”

Her little nose begins to bleed…
Nobody is fulfilling her needs.

Her stomach aches in hunger…
She wonders how much longer.

She has a deep gash…
Her father made it with a forceful slash.

She dare not make a sound…
All she can do is frown.

Her small body hurts…
She is treated like dirt.

She stays awake at night…
She never lets danger out of her sight.

She is forced to be strong…
Her tired heart sings a mournful song.

She has never felt a young child’s glee…
Anger, hate, and abuse is what she is forced to see.

She was jerked from all she knew…
She is one of few…

You see this small little girl…
Her life was in a crazy whirl.

However, she is alive and well…
She is here so this story she could tell.

She hopes you will see…
That this little girl… was me.

~Marie J.~