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Monday, October 24, 2011

Today is... Monday?

It is Monday already, isn't it sad how time flies? Sometimes I think, Yesterday I was born, today I am turning 14. Wow, time does fly. I wish that sometimes life would slow down, or at least stop a second or two to let me catch my breath. Well, I don't see that happening anytime soon so I suppose I better hang on for the ride.
The 20Th my niece turned two! TWO! I can still remember EVERYTHING that happened the night she was born. It feels like it happened yesterday! She is now the sweetest two year old niece I know. I love her.

Yesterday, we celebrated her Birthday Party. Some friends came over and their kiddos, so I took them to see my bestest friend... Tunia. I think she was overwhelmed with all those kids loving on her because she turned and kicked me on the hip. I now have a perfect hoof mark on my hip. It hurt, but I tend to be one of those people, I don't scream or cry. If I am hurt, I usally won't say anything, even when inside I am gritting my teeth. Kinda like the saying goes, "When I say I am fine, I want them to turn, hug me, look me in the eye and say "No your not."
Except, I don't like hugs. I don't like any physical touch. Wether it's hugs, kisses, or even hand holding. I DO NOT like being touched. If you want to get to know someone like me, talk. Yes, there is a such thing as talk but don't touch.

So today is Monday.... yay!

Thank You for reading.
I drew this picture last night,
God Bless Texas!!!! (and the USA)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin this and that's

Yesterday we roasted a pumpkin in the oven. Today we did something yummy with the pumpkin.

Here is the pumpkin pudding I made... It tastes as good as it looks.

Here is proof! 
1/2 c. milk
1/2c. sugar
3 c. of pureed pumpkin
3-4 dashes of Cinnamon (depending on how Cinnamon you want it)
1-2 dashes of vanilla
if desired, you can put 1-2 dashes of nutmeg.
Spray a pan with olive oil and put into the oven until the knife comes out clean/
Mom made Pumpkin cake. It was really good too.
She used a carrot cake recipe, but tweaked it to pumpkin instead of carrot.

Thanks for reading,
Elegantly signed,

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Pink Sweater

This little post is about my pink sweater.
The pink sweater pictured below, is one of the little sweaters we hand out to the kiddos without any jackets. This little sweater in particular has a story to go with it.
Now I don't remember exactly where or how I got it. But I have had it since I was 5 or 6. As you can tell it says "Trouble" on it, which fit me quite well. I loved this sweater. I wore it proudly. (Although now I do not care for it because it is pink.) But then, it was a treasure. 7 years ago, my brother, sister and I moved to our new adoptive home. I wore it a lot, the front pocket ripped because of the eggs I'd gather and shove into there. It experienced dust, chicken poop, mud, rain, snot, and love.
When it got to where I was too big for it I passed it down to my little sister, in which she too loved and cherished that sweater. She wore it until she got to where it was too little, so we put it on a hanger by the back door. When we adopted two more little boys, the younger one wore it around. Then sadly we put it away because he had other jackets to wear. 
Along came our nieces and nephews! When the come visit us at the barn they wear this...
...our treasured little sweater.

That sweater has survived for 7 or 8 years. It suffered through rainy, cold, snotty days. It still works, it keeps my nephew nice and cozy just as that sweater did to me so many years ago.

Elegantly signed,


Today is Friday.... You want to know what that means? It means three days off of school!!!!!! YAY! Well let me rephrase that, I finish Thursday's school on Friday... (Because I do House of Faith on Thur.) But I usually have 4-5 assignments that day. So oh well. I do my Thur, Friday so that way I can play on Saturday and Sunday. Does that make any sense? Okay good.

You know, I realized something... sense is a hard word to spell if you don't know how to spell sense. It is pretty confusing... Do you get it? Okay well, there are three ways of spelling sense,

1. Sense
2. Cents
3. Scents

So see? Do you understand now?

Yesterday at House of Faith it was Club Challenge! It was a lot of fun, we had to wear camouflage so I wore camouflage! Here is what I wore:
This is me posing for the camera... Aren't I just beautiful? :)

I kinda like this picture... It looks purty cool...

This was before I got my face painted at HOF. I wish I had a camera. My whole face was covered with camo face paint. One of the girls there painted my face. It looked awesome. But they said I looked like a monster... :( It kinda hurt my ego.

That is all folks! Thanks for reading!

Elegantly signed,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Here are some pictures of our barn chores...

Here is my nephew "Guarding" the feed... (he is so cute in that pink jacket!)

Nosy, one of our milk cows. She is a Jersey/Holstein cross.
Here is January. One of our Jersey heifers. She is bred and we plan on using her as a milk cow.
 Feeding the bovines! Alfalfa and some trash hay mix.
 My nephew is having some trouble... I am so much help because I am laughing and holding the camera.
He is now showing me some hay, he asked me if I eat this stuff.

My pretty little sister. (a.k.a my partner in crime)
My sweet sweet wonderful milk goat, known by the beautiful name of:
Elephante... (she is not sweet! she is a elephant!)

Another one of our milk cows, Hershey. She is a black Jersey. She is supposed to be bred but it kinda remains unknown right now... Isn't she pretty?

Stormy.... This is Nosy's calf. She is really pretty and likes to frolic around alot.

December, one of our Jersey heifers. She too, is bred.

My partner's in crime... I mean my crew.

Feeding the sheep... and bovines some trash hay.

Last but not least, here is the author:
This is me. Marie... I am usually the trouble maker... he he!

Thanks for reading!

Elegantly signed,


marHaban my blog readers! Miss Marie is back on track! So yay.

I posted yesterday, introducing myself. I do not know what to post, it doesn't help when you all don't help me out! It is kinda like talking to myself... guess I should say something I would say to myself... right? Okay here it goes:

Man, I can't wait until tomorrow! I am so blessed to work at House of Faith with an awesome group of kiddos!

Next random thought,

I have to wear camo tomorrow... hmmm.... fun.

Okay see? Without your help this blog won't be interesting. It would be boring and, and something! 

I finished school today. I have such advanced 8th grade school. But I guess that is okay. I am learning Arabic, so that way when I turn 17-18 or older, I can go to Yemen (a Middle Eastern Country) and minister to them. I used to want to live there but I kinda rethought that. I didn't want to spend the remainder of my life with people who hate me. I figure I could lead alot of them to Christ. So that should be pretty cool. Why not Africa? you ask. Well, I don't feel led to Africa. A lot of missionary's are already IN Africa! I want to lead Middle Eastern Muslims to Christ. I know I can do it!

I want to finish my school, and start online college about 16ish. I want to get a 4 year degree in Psychology. But I'll start with a 2 year. I want to also go to a Healing College in Redding, California. I am saving my money for that. I am so excited! Maybe I will get to meet Heidi Baker! She is one of my role models. I want to do some of the things she does. I also would LOVE to meet Kris Vallotton, Bill Johnson, and a few others.

I think I am done right now... I will work on something bigger later on. To post about.

Thanks for reading!

Elegantly signed,
marHaban means Hello in Arabic. Just in case you didn't know.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hello Everyone...

Hi! I am the owner of this blog... I have another blog in case you have not checked it out. It is really cool. This blog is pretty much my ramble, awesome thoughts... etc. I hope you enjoy this and all.

I will introduce myself... I am Marie. I am 14 and is one of my mother's awesome kiddos. My mom has 8 awesome kiddos, and I happen to be one of them! I am so blessed. I have a donkey by the awesome name of "Tunia" she is cool, my very best friend. I am just starting to ride her. She is about 18 months old. I love her with all of my heart.

I have a cat named Scraunch, I named him after a coyote in the Hank the Cowdog's book. The first time I caught him, he was wild. I cornered him in a cage, reached to grab him, and he bit me through the leather gloves! His mama was going crazy, she climbed up my leg like I was a tree. I grabbed Scraunch by the head and threw him into the cage at the same time I kicked Miss Mama Bear! It is funny now but it wasn't then... now my wild cat is alot like me. We must have the same mind... hmmm.

I am a crazy Jesus freak. I love Jesus with everything I have. He has given me so much! I have no reason not to love him! He is my first best friend.
For those that don't know me, I have a passion for purity. I talk, pray, and think purity all the time. I want to be pure for the rest of my life.

This is short I know.... maybe you should give me ideas on what to blog about... just leave a comment!

Elegantly signed,